Search results for 러시아암호화폐-max 카지노【】EAY

  • Food health and safety

    Found in Health / Food safety / Food health and safety

    How to select, prepare and cook food safely.

  • Seeing a specialist

    Found in Health / Doctors, dentists and prescriptions / Seeing a specialist

    When you see a specialist, you’ll visit a medically trained and registered healthcare professional in that field of medicine. In most cases, you need to visit your General Practitioner (GP) first so they can refer you.

  • Transfer to a different residential care facility

    Found in Health / Rest homes and residential care / Moving into residential care / Transfer to a different residential care facility

    You can transfer to another residential care facility if you want to. Or you may have to transfer if the level of care you need has changed.

  • Where to start when thinking about residential care

    Found in Health / Rest homes and residential care / Where to start when thinking about residential care

    If you’re looking to move into a rest home or hospital you have some big decisions to make. Find out what you first need to think about and do.

  • Education for children with a physical disability or illness

    Found in Education / Learning support (special education) / Education for children with a physical disability or illness

    Government help is available to educate children with a physical disability or illness.

  • Getting help with your budget

    Found in Family and whānau / Financial help for your family / Getting help with your budget

    There are community services that can help you manage your finances.

  • Go overseas to work

    Found in Leaving NZ / Moving or travelling overseas / Go overseas to work

    What you need to know and do when you’re going overseas to work.

  • Help for children with learning support needs

    Found in Education / Learning support (special education) / Help for children with learning support needs

    Funding, services and support available to help children with disabilities and learning support needs go to mainstream schools.

  • Accessibility statement

    Found in About this website / Accessibility statement

    The current state of accessibility on and how improvements are being made.

  • Services offered in residential care

    Found in Health / Rest homes and residential care / Services offered in residential care

    The services offered by residential care providers can vary. They must tell you about the services they offer and be clear about which ones you must pay extra for.

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